Tuesday 31 January 2017


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Ugh, being negative is not my usual self (perhaps not even at all myself at the presence of other people) then again I'd like to believe this is just perspective based on sheer observation-that's what she said- 

Anyway, because a) my sleeping habits are being a bitch to me again b) my brain just won't shut up and c) honestly, I can only write at ungodly hours, I've arrived at a conclusion that may/may not be what I still hold to be true next year, next month or even tomorrow. Which is this- 

Humans bring each other more suffering than the contrary.

I guess it only means to say that if given the ultimatum to choose one perspective over the other- all things considered, I find it easier to find happiness without other people than it is to shut all the harm from them out. To push the blame of all your endless despair on people is a cheap, cheap move, but then again blame is such a dirty word. Sometimes the simple understandable logic is to just allow ourselves to call it tracing the effect back to its cause. Haven't we already seen one too many instances of people with nothing but good intentions done dirty by other people? And when does understanding their pain cease to be enough?

<Then again what entitlement do we have to blame anything when we're machines of destruction ourselves. Haven't we left enough marks on earth that weren't all so pretty as we come and go? Maybe if we held all human life in a snow dome then we'd see it. We're burning a hole through each other and then, the entire place we call home. Funny how when things are done subtly and slowly with occasional bursts of self-righteousness we don't realize how we're putting everything we touch into a state of annihilation. Maybe one day as we watch everything go up in flames in a fire so engulfing nothing escapes, bringing all our sins with it then destruction will start looking like alchemy. Maybe then we can begin again.>

Settling on an opinion and tying it to how you think the world works feels good, because then there comes the acceptance part. When you take uncertainty out of the equation you're left to deal with what you've got; hence the post title. 

If all of us are going to suffer in one way or the other, the only question in line is how much of it we're gonna have to take and for what cause.
If all of us is going to suffer anyway, let's accept the fact that when the purpose of your life extends beyond yourself and happiness takes the form of fulfillment, a good life is not necessarily better than a life well-lived. 
If all of us are going to suffer anyway, here's to finding things/people worth suffering for.

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